Today: 12.03.2025
of the Fund
Fund Activities
Badge of the Fund
Memorial Data


       The activity of the International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University is stipulated by the development and implementation of its Programs and Projects that meet the goals and objectives of the Fund.

Support of "MATI" - Tsyolkovsky Russian State
Technological University (MATI-RSTU)

       Within the framework of this Program, there have been developed and are implemented projects aimed to improve the teaching process, to develop and produce modern software for main engineering disciplines, to publish teaching and methodological materials, to improve the educational system and to form the humane environment.

       Main Elements of the Program:

  • Teaching and methodological work
  • Scientific research
  • Cultural and educational work among the masses
  • Career guidance
  • Publishing
  • Material and technical support of the teaching process
  • Organizational work
  • Repairing and construction activity, household arrangements

       At present, the Program comprises 23 projects:

  • Joint training of managers: Russia-USA (project manager - V. Rodionov)

       The goal of the project is to create a new educational category of specialists, capable of transforming the modern progressive investment technologies in the native economic area by means of Russian students' training in the USA and American students' training in Russia and awarding them with two Diplomas.

  • Computerization of the educational and educational-research work of the Analytical Mechanics Department (project manager - T. Borzova)

        The project provides for the equipping of the educational laboratory of the Analytical Mechanics Department with computer technologies with the simultaneous development of the methodological software aids in support of traditional teaching methods.

  • Creation of the multimedia center and development on its basis of the computer multimedia textbooks for major specialties of the University (project managers - A. Gurov, A. Kuzin)

       In course of the project implementation, there have been developed unique technical conditions and effective methodological base for the production, publishing and distribution of electronic educational materials worked out by the leading professors of the University. Students play an important role in the preparation of the electronic educational materials.

  • Creation of the information, methodological and technological aids for training of specialists in the University with specialization in "Automated information processing systems, instruments and equipment for banks and offices" (project manager - V. Suminov)

       The Department "Technology of instruments and aircraft control systems production" has begun the training of system engineers with this specialization for the first time. Successful implementation of this project will allow not only to provide a qualitative training of specialists in MATI-RSTU, but also to create a set of teaching and methodological materials useful for other institutes opening similar specializations.

  • Teaching to work in the system of the automated design of electronic resources of MENTOR GRAPHICS type in the University (project manager - S. Peskova)

       The project concerns step-by-step development and introduction into the teaching process of the methodological instructions for laboratory work, term and project papers, as well as training aids for the VHDL language learning, used in CAPR MENTOR GRAPHICS; the development of the variants of tasks for laboratory work, term and project papers. The higher education in Russia does not have such methodological aid at the moment.

  • Improvement of language teaching for students of all specializations in the University (project manager - G. Artyushina)

       The project concerns step-by-step equipping of the chair with copiers, computer technologies, video and audio materials with the simultaneous development of methodological software aids and test means of regular control of the knowledge mastering profundity accompanied by the computer teaching elements on certain subjects of the academic curriculum in support of the traditional teaching methods.

  • Improvement of electro-technical training of graduates of all specializations of the University (project manager - A. Marchenko)

       The project concerns equipping of electro-technical laboratories with universal laboratory complexes of EV4 and LEK type and computer technologies with simultaneous development of methodological software aids and test means of regular control of the electro-technical knowledge mastering profundity accompanied by computerized teaching elements on certain subjects of the academic curriculum in support of the traditional teaching methods.

  • Annual International Scientific and Technical Student Conference "Gagarin's Readings" (project managers - G. Chivikina, N. Serduk)

       The Conference is timed to the celebration of the Cosmonautics Day. The Fund participates in its organization, holding and publishing of the Conference proceedings.

  • Annual All-Russian Research and Technical Conference "New Materials and Technologies" (project manager - I. Shevchenko)

       The Conference is held on the University premises. The Fund participates in the organization, holding and publishing of the Conference proceedings.

  • Creation of the Student Informational Advertising Bureau and the system of informational support of students' scientific research (project manager - G. Chivikina)

       The work on the project will allow discovering the students' aptitude for the specific branches of science in the first academic years, which later will help the new specialists to easier adapt to modern social and economic conditions and fully realize their potential.

  • Organization of scientific-technical seminar "Modern Problems of Natural Science" (project manager - Zotov V.A.)

       ). The project concerns the organization and holding of the permanent scientific-technical Seminar on the basis of "Computer System Design" Department. Within the framework of the Seminar there is planned a regular public discussion on a wide range of problems emerged at the turn of sciences, knowledge and technologies, as well as holding of open topical competitions.

  • Improvement of the educational upbringing system and formation of the humanitarian environment in the University (project manager - E. Germatzkaya)

       The goal of the project is to improve the educational system for students and pupils of the professionally oriented schools, to create the necessary conditions for the professional pedagogical growth of the teaching staff by means of creating the humanitarian environment in the University.

  • Publishing of the University faculty works (project managers - A. Gurov, V. Manuilov)

       The project concerns a systematic, methodically clear approach to publishing of textbooks, training manuals and other materials in basic University disciplines. The authors of the recommended for publishing teaching and methodological materials are as a rule the leading teachers of the University - well-known professors, heads of educational sub-divisions and departments of the University.

  • Supplying of the University library with educational, teaching-methodological and scientific literature (project manager - E. Zaitchenkova)

       This project concerns the replenishment of the University library stocks with textbooks, published by the Fund or with its assistance, on the charity basis. It is also planned to create stocks of educational and scientific literature in the interactive multimedia form.

  • Creation of the University information and documentary materials (films, brochures, pamphlets, etc.) (project manager - Y. Manuilov)

       The framework of the project includes organizational and financial participation of the Fund in preparation and production of information, advertising, documentary, scientific-popular and other materials about the University, its departments, faculty and researchers.

  • Institute of MATI Honorable Doctors (project managers - M. Liberzon, A. Petrov)

        Under the Fund's initiative since 1997 MATI-RSTU has been holding ceremonies of nomination for "MATI Honorable Doctor" for outstanding personalities of science, technology and education from Russia and other countries. In accordance with the Regulations, during this official ceremony the nominee swears to be loyal to MATI, whereupon he/she is presented with the Diploma and the Attire, and since this very moment he/she is being invited to all significant University occasions. MATI Honorable Doctors from Russia, USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and Israel are the pride of the University.

  • A complex of repair and construction measures to provide modern working conditions in the University (project manager - A. Khovrin)

       The project concerns step-by-step modernization and partial reconstruction of auditorium and laboratory assets of the University.

  • Equipping of the University new educational and laboratory buildings on 3 Orshanskaya Str. with technical safety equipment (project manager - G. Obozny)

       The aim of the project is to equip the newly returned to operation University educational and laboratory buildings with burglar alarm systems to ensure safety of the premises and secure confidential information databases, expensive laboratory equipment, computer technologies, other property, materials, etc.

  • Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of MATI (project manager - A. Petrov)

       The Fund took an active part in preparation, organization and carrying out of celebrations, dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of MATI. A great number of issues were solved: from ensuring the participation in the celebration of the outstanding scientific, cultural, educational, political figures to attracting sponsorship to carry out various events, related to the Anniversary.

  • Creation of the MATI-RSTU Department in Israel (project managers - M. Liberzon, A. Petrov)

       The project includes the organization of students teaching in Israel under the supervision of MATI leading teachers on such curriculum and programs as bachelor's, engineer's and master's. The project is based on agreements of collaboration with major Israeli Universities: Ben-Gurion University at the Negev, Holon Academic Institute and College of Judea and Samaria.

  • Complex "School-University" (project managers - V. Manuilov, M. Liberzon)

       Preparation of children of Black Sea Fleet officers, graduates from the School of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow (Sevastopol), which is patronized by the Moscow Government, to enter MATI-RSTU and get further education in basic specializations. In accordance with the Order of the Moscow Prime Minister ¹ 1081-RP of November 5, 1999 the Moscow Government stipend is paid to the mentioned students.

  • Creation of the Center of corporative projects "MATI-Kuban" (project managers - A. Petrov, A. Gurov, V. Zotov)

       The creation of the information-analytical Center of corporative projects, which activity will be aimed at the implementation of collaborative Projects and Programs among its members, is planned by the Fund, MATI-RSTU, Institutes of Higher Education of Krasnodar Region as well as by the Krasnodar Regional Innovation Fund "Progress".

  • MATI - development of the aerospace complex of Russia (project managers - M. Liberzon, V. Sokolov, I. Shevchenko)

       According to the joint order of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation and the General Director of Russian Aviation-Space Agency and with the intention to make the best use of the scientific potential of MATI and other Universities for further development of the country's aerospace complex, a set of appropriate scientific and technical problems was worked out by the Fund and is being systematically increased. Teams of scientists and students of MATI and other institutions work on the solutions to these problems with the financial support of grants of the Russian Aviation-Space Agency and the Ministry of Education.

International Program "Protection of the Earth Environment"

       The program has received an official approval of the UN Environmental Protection Committee (UNEP) and is recommended for implementation. The Program unites more than 140 projects presented by the authors from different countries.

       Main sections of the Program:

  • Information support of nature conservation activities, including methods and means of determination, measuring and diagnostics of the components of the environment and ecosystems as a whole
  • Methods and criteria for evaluation of influences on the environment, modeling of ecological processes
  • Near space ecology
  • Atmosphere protection
  • Water conservation and rational use of water resources
  • Protection and rational use of soil and land
  • Flora protection
  • Fauna protection
  • Protection of landscapes, video-ecology
  • Protection and rational use of the Earth's interior
  • Ecology of industrial production and power engineering
  • Ecology of large cities
  • Forecasting, prevention and elimination of ecological emergencies
  • Ecological problems of transportation, processing, burial and elimination of various types of waste
  • Influence of the state of environment on human life and activities
  • Teaching, education and elucidatory activities in the field of nature use and environmental protection
  • Ecological audit
  • Investment and innovative work aimed at environmental protection
  • Insurance of conservancy activities
  • Exchange of scientific and practical information connected with planetary problems of conservancy and environmental protection (forums, congresses, symposia, seminars, etc.).

       One of the striking examples of implementation of the International Program "Protection of the Earth Environment" is the active work of the Fund on the project "A system of measures and a complex of means to suppress and/or extinguish predominantly large-scale forest fires".
       In accordance with this project the Fund together with the Zhukovsky Military Aviation Technical University developed the "Method of localization and/or extinguishing of fire and devices for its realization" and "Water minerals suspension for fire extinguishing". Both developments were patented in the Russian Federation (RF patents ¹2111032 of the 24th of April 1997 and ¹2098158 of the 24th of May 1996) and at the present their patenting is being accomplished in 23 countries of the world. A patent in Turkey has been registered by the number TR 1998 02335 B, 24/04/1997 and a positive decision of the Australia Patent Department ¹ 30506/97 of 15.02.00 has been received.
       The above developments were displayed at a number of exhibitions of different types and were highly evaluated by experts and juries. For instance, these inventions won the Silver Medal at the International Exhibition "Ideas-Evolution-New Products" (IENA 98) in Nurnberg (Germany), and the Grand Prix "Golden Archimed" at the 4th International Salon of Industrial Property - Developments, Industrial Samples, Trade Marks - "ARCHIMED-2001" in Moscow in 2001.
       One more striking example of implementation of the International Program "Protection of the Earth Environment" is Russian-Holland project "Ecodrom". Within the frames of this project, which has been operating for over 6 years, it is planned to create a place of interest in the capital of Russia-Moscow Ecodrom-ecological-educational and recreational-tourist complex aimed at the free and easy development of ecological consciousness among children and adults. The complex is also to be used as a proving ground for implementation of promising Russian and foreign ecological scientific and technical achievements. It is planned to allocate 5-6 hectares in forest park "Sokolniki" for the Ecodrom which includes special pavilions, a park, a nursery forest, a lake, an artificial swamp, playgrounds and other objects. On the Holland side, the project is being actively supported by governmental ecological bureau "CROSS" (Hague) and the Directorate of the Ecodrom in Zwolle.
       To increase the participation of ecological projects authors in the Program, Conferences in different countries are annually held with the intention to draw participants' attention to the ecological problems of the country where a given conference is held.
       Also, the following activities were implemented in line with the Program:

  • "A man in a large city of the XXI Century". The International Urban Environmental Congress under the aegis of the UN was held jointly with the Moscow Government on July 1-5, 1998. Within the framework of the Congress, the Fund organized the round table entitled "New technologies in the ecological projects".
  • "Protection of the World Environment. Ecological problems of the Czech Republic". The International Conference was held on June 18-20, 1998 jointly with the Czech Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky MSATU and was dedicated to the ecological problems emerged as a result of the flood in the Moravia Region of the Czech Republic.
  • International Scientific Conference "Europe - Our Common Home: Ecological Aspects" (December 1999, Minsk). It was held jointly with the Executive Committee of the Belarus and Russia Union.
  • · Conference and Exhibition of mayors and heads of city administrations of Russia "Social, economic and ecological aspects of sustainable city development - 99" (July 1999, Moscow).
           The Fund took part in the foundation of the All-Russian public organization "Ecological movement of the specific actions" on 14 April 2001 and formed a part of the Executive Committee of the Movement.
  • All-Russian Conference "Scientific Aspects of the ecological problems of Russia" (13 - 16 June 2001, Moscow).

       The Conference was held jointly with the Russian Academy of Science, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies of the Russian Federation.
       Jointly with the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies, Soyuzpatent Association, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian federation and the Government of Moscow with the support of the World Organization of Intellectual Property, there was held the V International Salon of Industrial Property "Archimed-2002" (27.03-31.03.2002, Moscow). Within the framework of the Salon, the Fund organized the round table "Inventors-for the Earth's Environmental Protection". Over 50 people took part in the round table session. A collection of reports was published.
       Jointly with the Information Center of the UN in Moscow and with representatives of the most influential Russian public organizations, in March-June 2002 the members of the Fund conducted a number of meetings where there were formulated and submitted to the Government of Russia suggestions to be included into the cumulative report of Russia to the International Summit on the issues of sustainable development held in Johannesburg (26 August-4 September 2002).
       To promote the development of evolutional ideas of V.I.Vernadsky, S.I.Vavilov, N.I.Moiseev, A.L.Yanshin, on the 1st December of 2002 the Polytechnical Museum and Social Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences with support of the International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University and International Independent Ecological-Political University established a discussion Club "Planet Earth-our common home: searching for priority problems of the present". The main goal of the Club is to develop general directions promoting the achievement of sustainable development of the Russian Federation under modern conditions in the field of economy, social-political and ecological-anthropological fields.

International Program "Harmonization of the World Air Navigation System"

       The Program is carried out on a par by the UN International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and by the Fund as testified by the signed on the 6th of February 2001 Memorandum of mutual understanding in collaboration between the International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The main purpose of the Program is the implementation of the CNS/ATM system. The Program includes over 40 projects, developed in accordance with the basic trends in the development of the world air navigation system (ANS).

       Main sections of the Program:

  • Structure of the ANS and management of its operation
  • Ground, on-board and space means of communication, navigation and surveillance
  • Integration of ANS of Russia and other CIS countries into the world system
  • Controlling the air traffic safety
  • Symposia, conferences, seminars

       One of the prospective projects of the Program-creation of the "Air Bridge" of cargo transportation Europe-Russia - South-East Asia.

       In line with this Program, the following activities were carried out:

  • International Symposium "Air Navigation System of Russia-Problems and Ways of Their Solving. AVIA'98". It was carried out jointly with the State Corporation providing air traffic on September 29-October 3 1998 in Moscow. 520 participants from 24 countries attended the Symposium.
  • International Jubilee Exhibition AVIA'98 (September 29-October 3 1998, Moscow), dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the Russian Civil Aviation, was carried out together with the Inter-Government Aviation Committee, Russian Federal Service of Air Transport, and other agencies.
  • From 3 to 5 July 1999 the Fund appeared as one of the organizers of the First passenger flight across the pole: Moscow-Krasnoyarsk-Toronto (Canada)-New-York (USA) and backwards.
  • International Symposium and Exhibition "AVIA 2000". Air Navigation System of Russia-problems and ways of their solving (April 18 - 20, 2000, Moscow).
  • The First International Aerospace Congress, IAC'94 was held on August 16-19, 1994 in Moscow and was dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Yu. Gagarin, the First Astronaut of the Earth.
  • The Second International Aerospace Congress, IAC'97 (August 31-September 5, 1997, Moscow) was dedicated to the 850th Anniversary of the City of Moscow and the 40th Anniversary of the Earth's first artificial satellite launch.
  • The Third International Aerospace Congress, IAC'2000 August 23-24, 2000, Moscow) was dedicated to the 35th Anniversary of the First Man Open Space Walk and to the 25th Anniversary of the docking of "SOYUZ" (Russia) and "APOLLO" (USA).
  • · The International Exhibition "Aerospace 2000" was held within the framework of the Third International Aerospace Congress (IAC'2000).
           On the 2nd of July of 2001 with direct organizational and financial support of the Fund there were held ceremonial actions dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the separate aviation regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RF.

International Program "Stages of Space Exploration"

       Honoring the people and celebrating the events, which are of great significance in the history of far and near-Earth space exploration.
       By NASA invitation, a course of lectures on scientific research related to far and near-Earth space exploration was delivered within the framework of the Program by Academician A. Ishlinsky and Professor M. Liberzon in a number of universities, scientific institutions and laboratories in the USA in April-May 1997.
       In line with the Program, the Fund jointly with the Embassy of the Czech Republic held ceremonial evenings, dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the flight of the international space crew V. Remek (Czech Republic)- A. Gubarev (Russia), were organized and carried out in Moscow on March 2, 1998 and in Prague on March 10, 1998.

  • International scientific and practical Conference and Exhibition "Buran-a break-through towards high technologies", dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the successful flight of the multiple-use space shuttle "Buran" (November 29-30, 1998, Moscow). It was held with participation of the Moscow Government, the Russian Aviation-Space Agency and the Russian Engineering Academy.
  • International Conference "Aviation and Astronautics-Stages of Development and Perspectives", ", dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of G. Lozino-Lozinsky, the "Molniya" Association General Designer (December 25, 1999).
  • · Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of S.A. Lavochkin

       The project includes a series of events, dedicated to the 100th Anniversary (September 11, 2000) of the well-known designer of aviation and missile equipment Semen Alekseevitch Lavochkin. Within the framework of the Third International Aerospace Congress, an exhibition dedicated to this date was organized by the Fund.

  • The 30th Anniversary of the appearance on the Moon of the world's First automatic self-propelled machine "Lunokhod-1".

       Within the project, a series of events dedicated to this memorable date was held in different cities of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

       6.09.2000 - Meeting of the staff of the Space Telecommunications Center with the Lunokhod's driver - member of the Fund, Major-General V.G. Dovgan.

       17.11.2000 - Press conference in the Company "Lavochkin", Lunokhod's designer. Among the participants of the conference there was General Designer S. Kulikov, President of the Russian Space Academy V. Senkevich, Deputy Chief Designer of Lunokhod O. Ivanovsky, the Lunokhod creators and the Lunokhod crew.

       10-20.11.2000 - Northwest department of the Space Federation (Saint-Petersburg). Meeting with the creators of Lunokhod's chassis and grand convocation of the scientific community in G. Tovstonogov Theatre. Among the participants of the convocation there was Chief Designer A. Kemurdgian, space pilot A. Arzybarsky, First Vice-president of the Space Federation of the Russian Federation O. Muchin, Lunokhod's driver V. Dovgan and others.

       27.11.2000 - Military Academy of missile troops for strategic missions under the name of Peter the Great (Moscow). Meeting of the Academy students with the Lunokhod's driver.

       29.11.2000 - MATI-RGTU. Club of Interesting Meetings. Meeting of the students and teachers with the Lunokhod's driver.

       9.12.2000 - Center of Children Space Education (head - space pilot A. Lazutkin). Meeting with Lunokhod's crew members.

       16.12.2000 - Major Center of Space Vehicles Experiments and Control (Krasnoznamenskoe). Press conference of Lunokhod's crew members and their meeting with the Center staff.

       20.12.2000 - The Memorial Museum of Astronautics (Moscow). Lunokhod's crew members' meeting with pupils of Moscow schools.

       19.01.2001 - Course of lectures of the crew members within the framework of the XXIX All-Russian Competition "Space".

       09.03.2001 - Speeches of the crew members on XXVIII All-Scientific Readings, dedicated to the memory of the First Astronaut Yu. Gagarin (city of Gagarin).

  • The 35th Anniversary of the Space Center "Plesetzk"

       A series of events dedicated to the 35th Anniversary of the missile-carrier "Vostok" launch was held on March 16-18, 2001 in Plesetzk. "Vostok" had brought out the space apparatus "Kosmos-112" to the orbit, which commemorated the beginning of the First State Experimental Space Center "Plesetzk" operation. Meetings of the Space Center staff, teachers and pupils of Plesetzk with the Space Center Ex-commander, the Senior Vice President of the Fund Trustee Board, Army General Yu. Yashin and the Fund member Major-General V. Dovgan took place.

  • Moscow Open Project "From Childre- for Space"

       The project is being implemented within the framework of the complex educational project "Citizens of the XXI century" jointly with the Moscow City Palace of Children and Youth Performers and is dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of Yu. Gagarin's flight.
       The project includes a series of events, including the children-youth scientific and practical conference "Space patrol", preparation and sending of the first children's message to extraterrestrial civilizations, organization of the exhibition of children's creative work "The XX Space Century " and the city children's festival "The Space Era Morning".
       On 2-3 October 2002, within the framework of the World Space Week of the UN, the Fund jointly with the Tsyolkovsky Russian Space Academy, Russian Aviation-Space Agency, Space Federation of Russia and other partners conducted The First International Scientific Conference "Cosmonautics of the XXI Century: Problems, Solutions, Perspectives" dedicated to the 45th Anniversary of launch of the first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR; the 10th Anniversary of Russian Aviation-Space Agency; the 145th Anniversary of K. Tsyolkovsky and the 95th Anniversary of S. Korolev. During the Conference there was held an exhibition of scientific-technical achievements of planetary importance. The Fund demonstrated a model of a helicopter complex for localization/extinguishing of forest fires. MATI teachers, researchers, postgraduate and undergraduate students took part in the Conference and the exhibition.
       On the 1st , 2nd and 3rd December 2002 the Fund jointly with the French Embassy and French Trustee Fund of MATI conducted a number of anniversary celebrations dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the Tenth International space crew comprised of the pilot-in-command-V. Dzhanibekov, flight engineer- A. Ivanchenkov, astronaut-researcher-the first French astronaut J.-L.Chretien. The program of anniversary celebrations included scientific-technical Conference; meetings with the staff of aerospace enterprises; meeting with MATI teachers and students; a visit to the "Star City"; a reception in the residence of the French Ambassador in Moscow. These events were attended by astronauts, designers and aerospace vehicles inventors, scientists, cultural workers, famous politicians of Russia, France and other countries. The astronauts A. Ivanchenkov and J-L.Chretien were awarded with Honorary Badges of the International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University.

International Program "Congresses, Symposia, Conferences, Exhibitions"

  • International Aerospace Congress (IAC)

       IAC is held once in three years. About 1000 participants from more than 25 countries take part in the Congress. Every Congress Proceedings are published in two volumes. The goals and objectives of the Congress are related to expansion of cooperation among various groups of aerospace complexes representatives of the world community countries in solving the problems of far and near-Earth space exploration, exchange of experience and knowledge in the field of space science and technology. The co-organizers of the Congress are the Russian Aviation-Space Agency, the Moscow Government, the Federal Service of Russian Air Transport, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Engineering Academy, Tsyolkovsky Russian Space Academy, Moscow State Lomonosov University, the International Aerospace Consortium, the Space Federation of the Russian Federation; with the assistance of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, USA), the European Space Agency, McDonnel Douglas Aerospace (USA), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the National Space Development Agency of Japan, the National Space Administration of China, Israeli Space Agency, the company ARIANESPACE (France), the "Lockheed Martin" Corporation (USA).

  • The First Congress, IAC'94 was held on August 16-19, 1994 in Moscow and was dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Yu. Gagarin, the Earth First Astronaut.
  • The Second Congress, IAC'97 (August 31-September 5, 1997, Moscow) was dedicated to the 850th Anniversary of the City of Moscow and the 40th Anniversary of the Earth First Artificial Satellite launch.
  • The Third Congress, IAC'2000 (August 23-24, 2000, Moscow) was dedicated to the 35th Anniversary of the First Man Open Space Walk and to the 25th Anniversary of the docking of "SOYUZ" (Russia) and "APOLLO" (USA).
  • International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE).

       The Conference is held biannually. The Conference Proceedings are published. The goals of the Conference are: consideration of issues of further improvement of engineering education; increased efficiency of the educational process for engineers; establishing the long-term local, inter-regional and international mutually beneficial contacts among large educational centers; analysis of the development tendencies in engineering education in the XXI century.

  • The First Conference, ICEE'95 was held in June 1995 in Moscow. About 600 participants from 18 countries took part in it.
  • The Second Conference, ICEE'97 was held in St.-Petersburg (June 9-12, 1997). It was the UNESCO Decision to hold the Conference in Russia as a sign of great respect for the contribution of the Russian Engineering Education to the world community. 470 participants from 11 countries participated.
  • International Symposium "50 Years of Information Age". The Symposium was held in Moscow from June 30 to July 3, 1996 within the framework of the UNESCO Congress "Informatics and Education" jointly with the University of Pennsylvania (USA) and was dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the world first computer creation. 250 participants from 11 countries participated in the Symposium.
  • Annual US-Russian Investment Symposium "Financial and Direct Investment Opportunities in Russia". January 9-12, 1997, Cambridge (USA); January 7 -12, 1998, Boston (USA); January 13-17, 1999, Boston (USA), October 5-8, 2000, Boston (USA), November 1-3, 2001, Boston (USA). The Symposium is organized in line with the Program of international cooperation supported by the Governments of the United States of America and the Russian Federation jointly with Harvard University (Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government, USA) and American International Support Foundation for the Moscow State Aviation Technological University. Official representatives of American and Russian Governments, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, the OPIC, the International Finance Corporation are among the members of the Symposium Organizing Committee.
  • International Conference on Unconventional Flight is held biannually in Budapest (Hungary).

       The First Conference was held on 13-15 October 1997, the Second-on 13-15 October 1999, the Third- on 12-14 September 2001.
       The conference considers the causes of unconventional (abnormal) flight conditions as well as serves as a forum for discussions on the methods of real modeling of emergencies on different flight stages and critical regimes of engine and glider work; it also considers investigation and analysis of the accidents.

  • Worldwide Electro-Technical Congress "WETC-99" (July 1999, Moscow) was held jointly with the Moscow Government, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the International Academy of Electro-Technical Sciences, the Ministry of Economics of the Russian Federation in collaboration with UNESCO, UNIDO. Over 300 representatives from 18 countries participated in the Congress. Proceedings of the Congress were published.
  • International Exhibition and Seminar "Education-Technology-Market" (October 6-15, 1999, Moscow) was held in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the National Commission of Assistance in Economic Relations with the Countries of Latin America, the Scientific Council of the Executive Committee of the Belarus and Russia Union.
  • Annual International Conference "Opportunities in High Technology"
            The First Conference (Medicine, Telecommunication, Software) was held on May 18-20, 2000 in Boston (USA). The American Support Foundation for the Tsyolkovsky MSATU and Boston US-Russia Chamber of Commerce are the co-organizers of the Conference. Also, with the organizing assistance of the Trade Development Center and Industrial Associations in the sphere of medical equipment, telecommunications and software of the state of Massachusetts. Goals and objectives of the Conference were related to the analysis of American-Russian cooperation in the sphere of medicine, telecommunications, software, consideration of possibilities of getting support of American governmental organizations, discussions on legal aspects of intellectual property protection, certification and other legal issues.
           The Second International Conference "Opportunities in High Technology" was held on 11-13 April 2001 and devoted to the issues of computer systems architecture and the modern software development.
  • All-Russian Conference "Education in Russia on the Boundary of the Centuries" (April 24-28, 2001, Moscow) was held jointly with the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation, the Moscow Government, the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of Moscow and Moscow Region. The main goal of the Conference was to determine the new trends in educational technologies in the national system of secondary and higher education.
  • Annual International Russian Forum "Political Support to US-Russian Collaboration":
           The Fist Forum was held on May 6-9, 2001, in New York and Washington (USA) and was attended by statesmen, representatives of industrial, financial and business circles of Russia and the USA. A Memorandum approved at the closing plenary session of the Forum was forwarded to the Presidents of Russia and the USA.
           The Second International Russian Forum was held on April 28-30, 2002, in Washington D.C. in the building of the USA Congress. The United States Senate suggested the motto for the Forum-"New Time. New begining." There were discussed the issues of Russian-US cooperation in a number of fields including "Aviation and Astronautics". Over 550 participants took part in the Forum.

International Program "Strengthening and extension of international collaboration"

       In line with this Program, the following events have been and are being organized by the Fund.
       The permanent representation of the Fund in the Scientific and Technical Council at the Executive Committee of the Belarus and Russia Union and participation in the work of the Ecological Council (project managers-A. Poryadin and P. Kosykh) at the Commission of Parliamentary Assembly of the Belarus and Russia Union on the issues of ecology, nature management and elimination of consequences of accidents.
       The Fund participation in the UN World Forum "Millennium Forum" (May 22-26, 2000, New York) by the invitation of the Organizing Committee as a Non-Governmental Organization that possesses the UN General Consultative Status.
       The Seminar "Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and Economic and Social UN Council" was held in Moscow on August 26, 2000 within the framework of the Third Aerospace Congress under the proposal of the United Nations together with State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs. Dr. Hanifa Mezoui, the Head of the NGO sector of the UN Economic and Social Council, Department of Economic and Social Relations, chaired the Seminar. The goals of the Seminar were to expand the opportunities of Russian Nongovernmental Organizations' participation in implementation of the UN Projects and Programs. Over 90 non-governmental organizations from 37 cities of Russia took part in the seminar.
       The work of the Fund's delegation on the Fourth Conference of the Consultative Group of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to implement CNS/ATM systems (February 6, 2001, Montreal, Canada). Materials provided by the Fund were published in the Conference documents.
       The Fund's participation in organization and carrying out of the World Action "The Earth Day" and implementation of international projects "The Bell of the World" and "The Earth Flag" (March 20, 2001, Moscow) in accordance with the Conception "The Earth Day" adopted by the UN. The projects are carried out with support of the Moscow Government and the UN Information Center in Moscow.
       The Fund together with the Sector of Non-Governmental Organizations of the UN Department of Economic and Social Collaboration carried out the Seminar "The role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the realization of new ways of international cooperation in educational, cultural and business spheres" (May 6, 2001, New York, USA).
       Due to high public importance of the Fund's activity, it was invited to become a member of the Council of Non-Governmental Organizations at the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the RF (The Decree of the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the RF No. 170p-1 of 23 April 2001).
       In August 2002, by initiative of the Fund and a number of Chinese firms, there was established Technopark in Peking. The main goal of the Technopark is selection, development and introduction of Russian high technologies. At the first stage the International Trustee Fund assumed the function of gathering, processing and transfer of information on scientific-technical developments (designers' developments and particularly technological developments) of scientific activity of higher educational institutions that require financing for being completed and introduced into practice. By date, the information about 10 scientific-technical developments, including those of MATI scientists, was forwarded to Technopark. Further on, the Fund will take part in the introduction of the results of Technopark work in Russia, China and other countries as well.
       On 15-18 September 2002 the Fund organized a trip to Czech Republic for a delegation of Russian machine-building enterprises (Khrunichev Space Center, Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant "Salute", Central Design Bureau "Geophysics", Federal Service "Spetsstroy" of the RF, Krasnoyarsk Mining and Chemical Complex, Reshetnev Scientific-Production Association of Applied Mechanics and others.). The delegation participated in the international machine-building Exhibition in Brno, visited the leading Czech machine-building enterprises, laid the ground for contracts on mutual delivery in compliance with Inter-Governmental Russian-Czech Agreement of Cooperation of 18.04.2001. With the view of further promotion of scientific-technical contacts between Czech Republic and Russia, the Fund became one of the initiators of signing of an agreement of cooperation by the Mayors of Moscow and Prague, within the framework of which the Fund coordinates the implementation of a construction project of an incineration plant in Moscow (the Customer-the Government of Moscow, the contractors-"Skoda" and "Siemens-Czech Republic" companies).
       Aside from the activities mentioned above, the Fund takes an active part in creation of and assistance to non-governmental public organizations with the goal to expand and strengthen international cooperation in different fields of human activity.
       Thus, on the 29th of December 1998, the International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky MSATU became one of the founders of the International Public Organization "Association of Graduates and Veterans of the Military Academy of the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation".
       In April 2000 the Fund directly assisted in the establishing of the International Fund of Support to the Development of Culture, Science and Education "Humanism, Progress, Law and Order".
       The Fund also took an active part as a founder in the establishing of the International Public Organization-the International Forum "New World, New Man" founded on March 2, 2001.
       On 16 January 2002 the Fund became one of the founders of the Russian Union of Academies of Sciences, which main goal is to join the efforts of academies of sciences for the interests of scientific-technical and social-economic progress, enrichment of cultural heritage, consolidation of intellectual resources in the Russian Federation. The Union was officially registered by the Ministry of Justice of the RF on the 5th of February, 2002.
       On 6-7 February, 2002, as a co-founder of the Charitable Fund "The Russians", the Fund, jointly with the Government of Moscow, conducted a round table "Foreign diaspora-economic potential of Russia" held in the building of Moscow City Administration. Delegations from over 25 countries participated in the round table.

International Program "World Culture-Basis for Human Progress"

  • Aesthetic education and teaching of new generation-"Art to children"

       Carrying out, jointly with the Moscow Independent Theater "The World of Art" (Art Director of the Theater, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, A. Kravtsov), of the artistic-educational work by means of the Theater repertory performances, as well as by means of one-time events such as "Pushkin and Lyceists", "Pushkin and Decembrists", "Young Talents of Moscow and Russia", "Koltsov-Esenin-Tvardovsky", "Theater students to young Muscovites" and others. Dramatic art experts and artists - elocutionists, vocalists, musicians, teachers of creative educational institutions together with students from drama and musical institutes of higher education and pupils from musical colleges and schools systematically participate in the Project implementation.

  • Restoration of the Christmas Blessed Virgin of the Pafnutevsko-Borovskoy Monastery

       Monastery The Fund rendered substantial financial support for the restoration works on the group of the Pafnutevsko-Borovskoy Monastery buildings. In particular, the dome of the Monastery bell tower was repaired and gilded with the direct financial participation of the Fund.

  • The Moscow Gallery on Kuznetsky Most. Exhibitions of Moscow painters were held: "Our City Moscow", "Moscow Interior", "Moscow Portrait", "Moscow Pattern", "Moscow Christmas Souvenir". Besides, there were a series of exhibitions-fairs "The Precious Stones Symphony", "The Initiative Painters of Moscow". The series of exhibitions of Moscow painters creative heritage "The old Moscow" was also held.
  • The meal-halls of the Jesus Christ the Savior Cathedral. Metallic dishes and table serving sets made of newzilber with golden and silver covering were produced for the meal-halls of the Jesus Christ the Savior Cathedral by the Ordzhonikidze plant for processing of the colored metals and alloys in Kolchugin with the Fund support. All the manufactured dishes carried the symbols of the 850th Anniversary of the City of Moscow.
  • Chapel-Cathedral of the Military Academy of General Headquarters for the 850th Anniversary of the City of Moscow. The reconstruction works in the Chapel-Cathedral of the Military Academy of General Headquarters were completed, which conforms to the best traditions of the Russian Army. When the reconstruction was completed, Aleksiy II, the Patriarch of all Russia, sanctified the Chapel-Cathedral.
  • Moscow City Festival of Amateur Performers of students and graduates "MOSCOW, SPRING, LOVE". Following the Resolution of the Moscow Government and the Council of Presidents of Moscow Universities, there was organized a festival dedicated to the 850th Anniversary of the City of Moscow. The Festival was taking place from October 1996 to April 1997 and had three stages: 1 stage-intra-university, 2 stage-inter-university, 3 stage-final stage with the Gala-Concert of the Festival laureates and winners in the Column Hall of the Union Building.
  • Jazz Festival "Bohemia-Jazz" (April 13-17, 1999, Moscow). The project was carried out by the Fund together with the publishers: The Moscow News, Novye Izvestiya; radio stations: Echo of Moscow, Radio of Russia "Nostalgie" and others. Jazz groups from the USA, Germany, Holland, Russia and other countries took part in the Festival.
  • "Krasnoyarskaya Pushkiniana" - The joint project with the Siberian Charity Fund dedicated to the 200th Anniversary of A. Pushkin and implemented under the patronage of A. Lebed, the Governor of Krasnoyarsk Region. The project assumed a number of charity actions in the Krasnoyarsk Region, including participation in the reconstruction of the Pushkin Drama Theater; organization of participation in the events of the Head of the Representative Office of American Congress Library in Moscow, who presented the Central Library of Krasnoyarsk with microfilms of the unique library heritage of their compatriot-patron of art and collector G. Yudin; edition of Jubilee Collected Works of Pushkin in 5 volumes and the Almanac "The Krasnoyarsk Continent".
  • "Restoration of entrance ensembles and territories of historical turnpikes of the Kamer-Kollejsky Val system". The project is implemented jointly with the Moscow Architectural Center (General Manager- I. Sokolova). Its goal is to restore the historical-architectural view of the old Moscow boundaries, bring up the youth in the spirit of patriotism and maintain the moral-historical values.
  • · "International Vocal School" - International Annual Charity Project implemented jointly with Vladimir Deviatov's Center of Russian Culture and Art, Gnesiny State Musical College, Charity Fund of the Development of Culture and Health, the Ministry of Culture of the RF and the Government of Moscow.

       The singing-masters of the International Vocal School 2000 - 2003
       (in alphabetic order)
       Vazha CHACHAVA - Professor, Head of the Department of Concert-Masters' Skills of the Moscow State Chaikovsky Conservatory, Candidate of Fine Art, National Artist of Georgia.
       Kathryn CHILCOTE - Professor and Head of Opera faculty of West-Chester University, Pennsylvania (USA).
       Robert COWART - Professor, leading specialist in language vocal of the Metropolitan Opera, New York (USA).
       George DARDEN - Assistant conductor and a pianist of the Metropolitan Opera, New York (USA).
       Anna MARGULIS - Leading pianist of the Moscow Theater "New Opera" and concert-master of the vocal faculty of the Moscow State Chaikovsky Conservatory.
       Galina PISARENKO - Professor of the Moscow State Chaikovsky Conservatory, National Artist of Russia.
       Lenore ROZENBERG - Member of Artistic Administrator of the Metropolitan Opera (USA).
       Peter SKUSNICHENKO - Professor, Head of the Solo Singing Chair and Dean of Vocal Faculty of the Moscow State Chaikovsky Conservatory.
       Alberto TRIOLA - Art Director of the Teatro Amilcare Ponchielli in Cremona and the Leading Art consultant of Teatro Carlo Felice in Genova (Italy).
       Dmitri VDOVIN - Head of the chair of solo singing of the Academy of Choral Singing under the guidance of Victor Popov; Head of the vocal department of the State Musical College after Gnesinykh.
       Diane ZOLA - Director of the Opera Studio of the Houston Grand Opera (USA).

       The First International Vocal School was held on May 12-14, 2000, the Second School-on April 6-13, 2002, the Third School-on May 19-26, 2003, the Fourth School-on May 18-26, 2003.

International Program "Moscow Scientific Salon"

        The Moscow Scientific Salon follows the Russian tradition of holding salon meetings. Each Salon is dedicated to an outstanding achievement having a great impact on progress in science and technology, or to an outstanding person who has made a significant contribution in the development of science and technology. Guests of the Salon are famous scientists, artists, businessmen, politicians.

All-Russian Program "Educational Literature- New Generation"

       Creation of an effective publishing system for educational and educational-pedagogical literature for colleges and institutes of Russia, and also for wide public circles. More than 20 various textbooks, teaching materials, almanacs, image-calling cards and so on were published within the framework of the Program.

All-Russian Program "Safety and Sustainable Development of Megapolises"

       The Program is aimed at solution of problems related to safety and sustainable development of Moscow and other cities of Russia, and consists of more than 40 projects, formed in accordance with the following sections:

  • Fire safety of many-storied apartment and administrative buildings
  • Safety of urban underground service lines, electric power lines, transport highways
  • Health of the population and public safety
  • Living conditions and a system of resettlement
  • Environmental safety
  • Education, cultural activities and information support of safety issues
  • Legislative and normative provisions of activities in the sphere of megapolis safety
  • Symposia, Conferences, Seminars, Exhibitions

       The Fund participates in forming and implementation of the Regional Program "Sustainable Development of Cities" under the aegis of the Moscow Government, according to the Agreement between the Moscow Government and UNEP/Habitat (UN), which includes the following Projects of the Fund:

  • The Moscow Ecodrom. Creation of a sightseeing site of the capital ECODROM-educational-demonstrative and entertainment complex, aimed at relaxed education of ecological self-consciousness of children and adults. It can also be used as a field for introduction of prospective Russian and foreign ecological scientific-technical achievements.
  • Image Center "ECOSPHERE". Accumulation of educational ecological information, its distribution among various population groups and organization of continuous ecological education, forming of conception of ecological information-advertising activity and its introduction in the everyday life of Moscow, taking into account the revival of the national traditions.
  • The Tamed Molokh. Creation of a complex of equipment for extinguishing and localization of large-scale fires in Moscow conditions. Besides, the framework of the project includes plans to work out tactics and schemes of disposition of anti-fire equipment so that fire extinguishing in 15-20 minutes is possible.
  • Worldwide Children Ecological Forum-Game "Children and the XXI Century"

       The present project is dedicated to children's suggestions on solving the problems of protection of the Earth environment in the new XXI century. Winners of the Game will be invited for the "World-wide holiday of childhood" in Moscow, Russia.

  • Modeling Complex: it is planned to create a modern model complex in Moscow for research of the processes of organization of air traffic and estimation of flights safety in Moscow air zone.
  • Reconstruction of the Landscape of the Recreation Camp "Serebriany Bor". Creation of a complex of gathering, sorting out and processing of consumption waste with involving in the economical turnover of the valuable secondary raw materials extracted form the waste. In the framework of the project, it is planned to liquidate the dump of domestic waste located on the territory of the nature memorial "Serebriany Bor", reclamate the degraded soils and realize the Russian-Dutch project "Moscow Ecodrom" at this location.
  • Sport-health Center of Moscow. Creation of a sport-health center for children of employees of industrial and mainly budget organizations of Moscow and Moscow Region on the basis of four children health camps of Schelkovskiy district of the Moscow region.
  • · Preventive Measures for Child and Teenage Diseases. Implementation of a system of early detection of child and teenage diseases of 25 pathology profiles for the age of 12-18,5 years old.

       . The Conference and Exhibition of mayors and heads of city administrations of Russia "Social, economic and ecological aspects of sustainable city development - 99" (June 1999, Moscow) was held within the framework of this Program.
       An International Program, which includes the projects on development and implementation of modern technologies and materials in the field of medicine, as well as studies of natural methods of diagnostics and treatment, is at the stage of development.
        Because of the critical situation, which exists in the sphere of public institutions, the Fund decided to develop and implement the All-Russian Program "Support to museums, libraries, galleries, theaters".

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